Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Governor Nikki Haley Addresses The GOP Convetion:

Governor Nikki Haley is the youngest sitting governor in America, the first female governor of South Carolina and the proud daughter of immigrant parents from India.

The Republican National Convention


Anonymous said...

That means that Republicans have 2 Indian governors, Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal because Jindal's parents were also both Indian immigrants.

Now that is what makes America the land of opportunity, that 2 immigrants can come here from some foreign land and see their son or daughter become governor of the state.

Republicans really are the party of the people!

Anonymous said...

We have a governor of immigrant parents too.

Danny Boy's parents obviously raised him in Fantasyland, unless you believe the Middletown Press suggestion that he is an alien from another planet.

Either way, he is so disconnected from reality that calling his reality fiction is putting it mildly.

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