Saturday, August 25, 2012


Informed sources at city hall claims that HUD is looking into improper use of CDBG funding by the O'Brien Administration.


Anonymous said...

It's about time we had some transparency into the most radical administration ever elected in New Britain.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect when you take someone who never ran so much as a lemonade stand and make him the CEO of a city with a $220 million budget? It would be like taking someone off of welfare and immediately making him the CEO of a major corporation. It's called clueless ignorance!

Anonymous said...

The O'Brien Administration: Buffoonery at its best!

Anonymous said...

I am sure nothing will come of this, just like every other public administrator. He will probably get a position with the Senate now that he has some experience mishandling funds. These are just criminal acts that continually go unpunished and then rewarded or hidden from the public. Some lower administrator will probably take the fall and that will be the end of it.


Anonymous said...

This is serious but New Britain selected an Acorn / Working Families Party (government unions) supported career politician over a career businessman. Why should anyone be surprised? What happened to the $30 million deficit? Did they use federal money to balance the budget? This may cost the taxpayers dearly. We need qualified statesmen and experienced leaders in New Britain to run for office next year.

Anonymous said...

With regard to comments from, Anonymous commenters #s 1 and 2: #1, add the adjective "inept" to radical administration. Ineptness will get NB into trouble with HUD; #2, and this group is supported by The Herald and the Herald's new "lapdog publication", the Hardware City Journal. Talk about INEPT !

Anonymous said...

It's time for some citizen complaints to the State Office of HUD.

Anonymous said...

It's President Obama's fault!

Anonymous said...

"this group is supported by The Herald and the Herald's new "lapdog publication", the Hardware City Journal. Talk about INEPT !"

does that mean that the professional agitator controls the content in both publications?

Anonymous said...

You mean the Herald is still in business?

I see their building is for sale, so I thought they went under like so many other liberal papers.

Anonymous said...

What happened ? Did Sherrwood put the non-tax paying Alderman Brown, and his wife B Brown our latest and greatest (cough cough) community organizer ( paid for by the city) in charge of money ???

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about the convicted felon he fought to put in charge of over $100 million in taxpayer dollars at the sewer plant. Things these Democrats do are so absolutely bazaar that no one could make this stuff up!

Anonymous said...


Show us some proof! You shouldn't float something out there like that and not say more...

Does this have anything to do with the audit they did? I heard their audit turned up not so good stuff from the last administration and they are sitting on the findings rather than going public or giving it to members of the council. Why?

Frank Smith said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "HUD TO INVESTIGATE NEW BRITAIN CITY HALL USE OF FU...":


Show us some proof! You shouldn't float something out there like that and not say more...

Does this have anything to do with the audit they did? I heard their audit turned up not so good stuff from the last administration and they are sitting on the findings rather than going public or giving it to members of the council. Why?

You Must be an Obama supporter when attempting to blame the Republicans for the failures that belongs to the democrats of New Britain.

Anonymous said...

There is plenty of blame to go around for the failures of our economy. Between the radical socialists in our town council, the clueless brainless twits in the mayor's office, the radical socialist in the governor's office, and the communist dictator wannabe in the white house--take your pick.

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