Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Agree with Kelt Cooper's Approach of Teaching The Hispanics English & English To Speaking Children Spanish!

                                   Mr. Cooper

As a child I learned to speak the foreign language that my parents spoke. As I started school I was then introduced to English. While learning this new language my thinking process was with that foreign language. That thinking process method continued until my 10th. grade when I began to use the English to think before speaking or writing.

I agree with Mr. Cooper for his wanting to have the English speaking children to learn Spanish because Spanish will be required in order to obtain leadership type employment later on.

Congratulation to New Britain's Board of Education members for making their wise selection of Mr. Cooper to take over the leadership of our School District.



Anonymous said...

This must be why Phil Sherwood pulled his kid out of the Dilereto school.

Anonymous said...

Does the mayor and his wife still send his stepson to an out of town school while proclaiming to care so deeply about New Britain schools?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Does the mayor and his wife still send his stepson to an out of town school while proclaiming to care so deeply about New Britain schools?"

This statement - quoted above - needs some serious editing.

Anonymous said...

The public should not forget that there were five members that did not want Cooper for Supt. Saavedra,Pina,Greco,Ialon andDr.
Dr, Sabders (all democrats) They all wanted the Blaack candidate from Washington DC. Saavedra changed her vote in favor of Cooper.The vote now was 6 - 4 tp hire Cooper, The remaining four Denocrats chabged theur votes because they sawthey were going to lose their vote. Thanks should go to the Repib;icans Leal and Saavedra for getting Cooper here.

Anonymous said...

I decided to learn the Spanish language, so I could understand the
check-outs at McDonalds.

My next move is to learn Indian, so I can understand my doctors and the
person that answers the phone when I have a warranty problem.

Anonymous said...


Once again the Democrats on the board stood united and ready to defy the will of the people they were elected to represent.

Even after learning from their own committee and their own public survey that the overwhelming support was for Mr. Cooper, they STILL stuck to their liberal ideology and voted against him.

Only when they realized that their own future political viability was in jeopardy, did the selfishly decide to change their vote.

In the end, their votes were not for Cooper, they were for self preservation.

Anonymous said...

I guess Texas is not only bigger, it is definitely better too!

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