Friday, August 31, 2012

Olympic Champions address the 2012 Republican National Convention in Support of Mitt Romney:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to the Courant poll, 80% of their readers say that the Republicans hit it out of the park with their convention.

What do you think?
(Note: This is an unscientific poll.)

Do you think Replicans hit a home run with their party convention?

Yes, the speeches were memorable and moving, it was a smart move to have so many women, people of color and Olympians onstage, and Romney's performance "built beautifully from anecdote to assertion to action," as the San Francisco Chronicle said. (99 responses)


No. It was storm-tossed from the beginning, with a tropical storm delaying it, speech inaccuracies and peanut throwers marring it, and Clint Eastwood stealing the show with his bizarre conversation with an empty chair. (19 responses)


So-so. The convention may have solidified the party faithful, but may not have done much to draw in swing voters. (5 responses)


123 total responses

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