Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Unions Did It to Donovan

Unions Stopped Support For Chris Donovan!

That gave Esty her win.


Chris annonces his loss with his daughter by his side at campaign headquarters


Anonymous said...

I would argue that it was his aligning himself with the unions that did him in due to the growing disgust the taxpaying public has for those radical organizations.

Anonymous said...

unions are collapsing and they took poor Donovan down with them!

Anonymous said...

What a scumbag!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks Donovan's loss is some how an implication that unions are losing their power is kidding themselves. This was an anomaly.

The unions still own the Democratic Party and in time Esty is going to kowtow to them and kiss the union ring for funding and support.

The fact that such a morally bankrupt individual even stayed in the race and got as close as he did speaks to the power of the unions.

This fight is far from over; we simply got lucky. Keep donating your time and money to candidates who will restore the balance.


Anonymous said...

Hey Donovan, do us all a favor and don't go away mad, just go away!

Anonymous said...

The union bosses and CT Democratic Party leaders decided it was better for them to keep Donovan home, within their reach, in case the investigation widens. Their likely consensus is that he's not smart, and/or trustworthy enough to keep his mouth shut.

Who knows, He may already be quietly seeking police protection for himself and his family.

Anonymous said...

In the photo, his daughter is doing her best to appear as if she is the offended party instead of the citizens of Connecticut.

Her Democratic Dad taught her well.

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