Tuesday, August 7, 2012

When is the Costco Deal to Move on?

Costco Deal Awaiting Green Light From Corps Of Engineers....

Former Mayor Timothy Stewart negotiated a deal for Costco to purchase a section of Stanley Golf Course for a warehouse store on Hartford Road near the Target store. The project is expected to result in millions of dollars from land sale, more than $500,000 in property taxes, and 200 city jobs. However, when some city residents opposed tearing up A.W. Stanley Park, Costco switched to its “Plan B,” which did not call for taking 15 acres of land from the park. It would be left untouched while three golf holes would go onto land in Newington adjacent to Route 9.


Anonymous said...

When Costco first negotiated this deal, we had a mayor with a pro-business attitude.

I find it hard to believe that Costco would still want to come here with what is probably the most anti-business administration New Britain has ever experienced.

And once they do finally open, how long will it be before a group of radical extremists--most of them elected officials--starts forming protest after protest in front of their business and how long will it be before elected officials attempt to dictate to Costco what race or ethnicity all high level managers at this store must be?

You would think a company like Costco would wonder why Walmart picked up stakes and fled this socialist gulag.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see how pragmatic Mr. O'Brien can be once he's in office. For years he railed against Mayor Stewart and his lack of support for the schools, and yet O'Brien gives a pittance more. He rails against Mayor Stewart's blight ordinance, and all O'Brien does is increase the fine, leaving the rest of the ordinance completely intact. Now O'Brien changes his tune on on Costco, now that O'Brien realizes all the jobs and tax revenue available to the city of New Britain from Costco going forward.

Anonymous said...

Just like every Walmart has a Subway inside, I hope Costco is willing to sublet to a Chik-Fil-A at this location!

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