Thursday, August 30, 2012

Working Family Party to Vote on Endorsement for the Fifth District


Anonymous said...

WOW, they will decide whether to support socialist A or socialist B.

There's a real tough decision.

Anonymous said...

A do over? At what point is this sham going to be called for what they truly are? How can a supposed INDEPENDENT "party" change from one DEMOCRAT to another?

Anonymous said...

The choice in the 5th is even easier now. Rohrback.

The 2nd district has a candidate that is a small business guy, Paul Formica. He owns Flanders Fish Market in Flanders CT.

Time these career elites get the boot. That includes Murphy.

What a spending, debt and tax mess they left in Connecticut and Washington.

Anonymous said...

Big Bertha outta be coming out of the woodwork pushing for the socialist candidate.

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