Sunday, September 23, 2012

26th District Candidate for State Representative Delinquent on Property Taxes

According to the records of the New Britain Tax Collector’s Office, Daniel Davis, the candidate for state representative in the 26th district is delinquent on his property taxes:

For a 2008 Chrysler Sebring, $335.00 that was due July 1st, plus $15.12 interest, for a total of $351.02 including the interest for the month of September.

Additionally, He serves as the secretary of the New Britain Republican Town Committee.



Anonymous said...


There is a big difference between people who don't pay taxes by gaming the system, elected officials who are way over due on taxes or use their office to get sweetheart deals and a guy who is a few months late on a car tax. If only perfect people could run for office, then no one would run for office.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


There is a big difference between people who don't pay taxes by gaming the system, elected officials who are way over due on taxes or use their office to get sweetheart deals and a guy who is a few months late on a car tax. If only perfect people could run for office, then no one would run for office......

Then why is your hero, Chris Murphy attacking Linda for being a couple of months late? Are we being a hypocrite here?

Anonymous said...

Chris Murphy is an idiot. If he didn't have a (D) after his name, he couldn't have gotten elected dog catcher.

He is a sleaze - getting sweetheart deals and using his office for his own benefit.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps not paying his taxes was part of his campaign strategy to attract Democratic votes.

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