Saturday, September 8, 2012

Beyond politics

Jesus told Peter [ judas] you will deny me three times and amazingly, was denied three times again by the Democratic party, at their convention last week.


Godless Communists said...

Communist thinkers from Marx to Lenin to Trotsky to Stalin advocated an abandonment of a religion they felt to be superstitious and unproductive. Thus mid-century Americans referred to “godless communism.” 2. Throughout the post-war years of the Second Red Scare, “godless communism,” along with similar variations, rooted itself as a functional epithet and cautionary tale to a reluctant America in a changing global environment. As the Communist threat to the American way of life grew, so its godless materialism continued to threaten a Christianity increasingly tied to America’s self-image. The choice between Americanism and Communism was vital, without room for compromise.

Anonymous said...

Actually Frank, Jesus told this to Peter.

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