Sunday, September 9, 2012



The Proposed move of the Children and Families department from City Hall into New Britain's Senior Center is raising a lot of concerns by the center's seniors.

 This proposal includes the taken over many rooms within the center as follows: The Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine rooms also including rooms 1, 5,7, and 6.    In addition, one half of the waiting area. at the front entrance of the center is included within this proposal.

Many of the activities, that have been provided by the center for the elderly in the past, may have to be curtailed in order to accommodate this unusual takeover of the center such as Dancing, pottery, art work, Bingo and many other social events .

Control of the youngster's behavioral mannerisms will be problematic and left to one's imagination.

Seniors, should contact their Common Council representatives, for their help in avoiding this takeover proposal.


Anonymous said...

I guess the Democrats in City Hall understand that there will few elderly people left to occupy the senior center once Obamacare kicks in and Obama starts to kill them off through genocide.

By refusing medical care to elderly who are considered to be of no value to socialists because they can no longer work and produce for the "common good", Obamacare is just Nazi genocide under a different name. The only real difference is that instead of actively killing them because of their determined uselessness, Obamacare seeks to kill them off by letting them die through denial of needed medical care:

T4 Euthanasia Program, T4 Program: Nazi German effort—framed as a euthanasia program—to kill incurably ill, physically or mentally disabled, emotionally distraught, and elderly people. Adolf Hitler initiated this program in 1939, and, while it was officially discontinued in 1941, killings continued covertly until the military defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.

Anonymous said...

I guess Obrien couldn't wait for granny to die off at the hands of Obamacare before pushing her out of the senior center and into the street like yesterday's garbage.

Anonymous said...

What a dumb move. Oh well, that's not the first one and guaranteed it won't be the last!

Anonymous said...

Dumb is the norm for these dumbbells!

The real news will be when they someday do something that makes sense, but then considering the lack of brainpower, it would have to be only by accident.

Anonymous said...

Seems like an idea this dumb must have been the brainchild of Sherwood--the defacto mayor.

Anonymous said...

you can't make this stuff up.


Anonymous said...

But JR, they just did!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

But JR, they just did!

September 8, 2012 2:26 PM

Are you saying that Frank is making up this story?


Frank Smith said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PROPOSAL KICKS GRANDMA OUT OF THE SENIOR CENTER!":

Anonymous said...

But JR, they just did!

September 8, 2012 2:26 PM

Are you saying that Frank is making up this story?


Please be advised that I was present when the head of the New Britain Children and Families department going from one room to the next evaluating his planned take over of a large portion of the center's square footage leaving the seniors with with little left for them to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Mayor O'Brien doesn't seem to care for the seniors of New britain or he wouldn't allow the take over of the Senior Center by the Children and Families department.

Anonymous said...

If he cared about seniors, he would have done something to put security in the Szczezny garage where we all have to park only to have our cars robbed and damaged night after night when there is no security cause it is only here in the day and never at night when we need it more.

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