On the very day it was reported, I suspected that Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta refused the ambassador's request for men and equipment. It brought to mind Les Aspin's (President Clinton's Defense Secretary) refusal to send the requested tanks, to our troops in Somalia. That was Another Lib Dem refusal that turned out to be fatal to our fighting men. Aspin had no trouble, however filling Janet Reno's request for tanks, for her assault on the Waco, Texas Compound.
Time has arrived to evict the occupants at the White House
On the very day it was reported, I suspected that Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta refused the ambassador's request for men and equipment. It brought to mind Les Aspin's (President Clinton's Defense Secretary) refusal to send the requested tanks, to our troops in Somalia. That was Another Lib Dem refusal that turned out to be fatal to our fighting men. Aspin had no trouble, however filling Janet Reno's request for tanks, for her assault on the Waco, Texas Compound.
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