Friday, October 26, 2012

House and Senate Debate More of The Same!

Most candidates called for more jobs and education with some alluding to crime and objecting to the early release program and yet many calling for spending cuts but, adding more funds for Education.

In the Twenty Fourth district you have Representative Rick lopes indicating his support to Governor Malloy's labor agreement with state employees. He however, presented his view of blaming the past administration for leaving a 587 Million dollar deficit as an attempt to his protecting the Governor's overspending budgets. His opponent, Peter Steele, did answer the problem that former mayor Lucian Pawlak had for a solution, that he disagreed with at the time, for the shortage in New Britain's retirement pension funding by bonding it. He stated it turned out a stroke of genius because of the gains realized from interest rates rising. But Steele continued by tying jobs as a federal issue with the need of vocational technical education and stating that he also serves as the Chairman of the New Britain's Housing Authority where they are getting a federal and DCS grant to fund the building of a four million dollar building in cooperation with HRA for the training of the poor in our community in obtaining the necessary skills in getting work and becoming self reliant.

Rep Sanchez mentioned the need for jobs and vocational training. While Rep. Peter Tercyak pointing out of our having three hospitals in our community requiring additional future medical health care personnel in providing these future services.

All in attendance presented varied views but all seemed to be calling for more jobs as being our states real need.

One candidate that missed this venue was Dwight Blint candidate for the 26th District.



Anonymous said...


I didn’t miss the debate; I simply chose not to participate in it because I think it is simply a ritual and a farce that provides the public with too little information, too late in the process. As a result, it is little more than a self-congratulatory display for political insiders, and a way for the Herald and the League of Women Voters to falsely don the mantle of bipartisanship.

Ask yourself, when the last time the League did any community outreach to explain the voting process to the public? We still have voters in this community that are registered in one party so they think they can’t vote for candidates from another party. When was the last time the League reached out to the New Britain Republican Town Committee to work cooperatively?

In terms of The Herald, ask yourself how many one-sided and biased anti-Republican stories they publish each year – each week? Consider the moderator they selected, she is a staunch advocate for Obama’s healthcare policies.

Now ask yourself this, do you really think any of the individuals involved in the organization of this debate really want to see Republicans win statewide or local offices?

If in the future, a local business organization or a publication like the New Britain City Journal or the Hartford Courant were to sponsor a debate, I would certainly consider participating. My platform is simple – I will support no new taxes and no new fees, and I will cut spending without affecting the programs that our most vulnerable residents depend upon.

Additionally, I would like to see such an event held much earlier in the process – before the vast majority of the voting public had already made up its mind.


Dwight Blint

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you running such a spirited campaign Dwight. I can tell by all of the lawn signs you have.

Anonymous said...

Who's Blint ?

Anonymous said...

So is that the secret, the person with the most lawn signs wins?

I feel sorry for this city if that is how people decide on candidates.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So is that the secret, the person with the most lawn signs wins?


Anonymous said...

At least we know Dwight will carry Berlin.

Anonymous said...

Wait let me get this right. You refuse to debate and then you show up and sit in the back of the room?

Anonymous said...

To protest a social injustice, some people lay down in the middle of the road and block highway on ramps or they occupy Wall Street, and other people attend debates and sit in the back of the room.

Anonymous said...

social injustice is code word for redistributing income. what these people are really protesting is that people who took risks to build businesses and worked hard to earn their money have more wealth than people who never did a day's work in their lives. social justice means that the government should take the wealth from the people who earned it and redistribute it to people who sit around drinking beer and making babies all day while waiting for their next welfare check to arrive.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Glad to see you running such a spirited campaign Dwight. I can tell by all of the lawn signs you have."

I say so what to "Anonymous" quoted above? Gerratana is nothing but a Malloy rubber stamp Democrat. What has she shown in the way of a campaign, that he has the funds to buy signs and to get her picture in the paper by attending every venue covered by a photographer? Nothing comes out of her mouth except Democrat platitudes and other nonsense.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Glad to see you running such a spirited campaign Dwight. I can tell by all of the lawn signs you have."

I say so what to "Anonymous" quoted above? Gerratana is nothing but a Malloy rubber stamp Democrat. What has she shown in the way of a campaign, that he has the funds to buy signs and to get her picture in the paper by attending every venue covered by a photographer? Nothing comes out of her mouth except Democrat platitudes and other nonsense.

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