Tuesday, October 2, 2012

O'Brien Administration Looking to Punish New Britain Landlords.

It is very amazing that the city hall's administration is looking to punish the Landlords of the city, in order to make up the so call budget short fall, when in reality this administration is ignoring the millions of car tax dollars that remain uncollected. With the city electorate electing 8 Constables to serve the tax warrants and collect these funds, the O'Brien short fall would disappear and the need to punish the city's landlords would also disappear.

Is this administration that inept?



Anonymous said...

I support the O'Brien administration's effort to allocate some new revenue for the city by going after these scumbag landlords. All they care about is making money and they think they can pack a council meeting and insult our great city and not suffer any consequences. They aren't interested in any sort of compromise at all. I'm calling their bluff right now about raising rent.

It certainly makes much more sense to go ahead with this plan rather than go the route of cutting funds for the library or closing the senior center. These are tough times and we have to clean up the mess left by the previous administration. These landlords have no concept of "shared sacrifice" and it's time to hit them where it hurts.

Anonymous said...

This statement must be coming from a Democrat. It seems that when someone says something about cutting spending it is always about cutting funds to seniors and now the local library. Just some more scare tactics to extort money from its citizens. Here is an Idea, how about learning to manage what funds you have now. The city doesn't have revenue, they have tax payers money, you know citizens money. Here is another idea, learn about how to balance a budget. Or another Idea, stop wasting money and spend it more wisely. Is any of this getting through yet. It is not the City's money, it is the citizens money. How about cutting city workers salary. I work in the private sector and haven't seen an increase in pay for over 10 years. Why should we be paying more for the mismanagement of city funds.

AZ (Independent who is tired of government's wasteful spending and then wanting more)

Anonymous said...

Wasteful spending??? You must be talking about the wasteful spending of the previous Republican administration... Now we have to clean up after their financial Katrina. Don't even start pointing at the Democrats. It's the same on the national level. Obama has done the least amount of government spending out of any president over the last 50 years while he cleans up the mess of a previous Republican administration. The voters know this to be true which is why Obama will easily win re-election next month and O'Brien will easily win re-election in 2013.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding?

Stop drinking the kool-aid.

O, I'm sorry. Mr. Mayor, stop read Frank's blog. You'll only get your feelings hurt.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding?

Stop drinking the kool-aid.

O, I'm sorry. Mr. Mayor, stop read Frank's blog. You'll only get your feelings hurt.

Anonymous said...

ROFL at the last comment.

Obama created more national debt than all presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush combined. He flushes billions of dollars down the toilet on a daily basis and couldn't care less because its not his money, but I guess if you tell the same old lies about him being somehow a responsible spender, you might even find a few communist Democrats that are ignorant enough to believe your lies no matter how fantastic they are.

Next you'll try to convince us that Obama loves America.

Now there's a real good one!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what his tax collector is supposed to do? Oh that's right, O'B the dummy is just one of those mouth puppets for Sherwood--the real mayor. By the way, does O'B have one of those holes in his back for Sherwood to reach into to move his lips up and down like a ventriloquist, or does Sherwood just stick his arm all the way up O'B's butt?

Anonymous said...

Democrats don't pay taxes, but they sure know how to spend all the taxes that Republicans generate. Next time one of you Democrats cashes one of your welfare checks, you should thank a Republican for making it all possible!

Anonymous said...

they are just as inept as dan the dope and barruck the buffoon

Anonymous said...

I guess the mayor (sherwood) can't comprehend the concept of collecting the overdue taxes to help balance the budget, possibly because so many of the people not paying their taxes are elected city officials. If he could only get the Demonrat members of the council to pay all those taxes they owe, maybe we wouldn't be in so much trouble. While he's at it, maybe he could get Chris Murphy to pay the property taxes for his campaign headquarters too, but why should New Britain be any different than all those other towns he didn't pay?

Anonymous said...

"Wasteful spending??? You must be talking about the wasteful spending of the previous Republican administration.."

Sounds like the Obama administration. Can't seem to take responsibility and blame your predecessor.

I will agree that the Republicans are not much different. It takes two to tango and the wasteful spending is a problem both democrats and republicans share. I just don't understand why the government can't watch how they spend their money. Try working on solutions and not how much money can we throw at a problem. If you don't know how to fix something then bring in someone who can and not a friend who needs a job.

AZ (Independent who is tired of government's wasteful spending and then wanting more)

Anonymous said...

What does the tax collector do all day if not collecting taxes???

Anonymous said...

The fact that so many millions in delinquent taxes remain unpaid--especially among elected officials--is just more proof of the total ineptness of the O'Brien (Sherwood) administration. When you can't even get your running mates on your own party ticket to pay their taxes, it demonstrates their total lack of respect for you as a leader and their disdain for any supposed authority you think you might have. The Democrats on the council are laughing in your face Mr. Tim O'Brien-Sherwood by boldly defying you with every day they continue to ignore your tax bills like the garbage they are.

Anonymous said...

Why does the mayor & poster #1 lable me a "scumbag landlord"?

I've never met him nor he me so what gives?

He thinks I'm making money when in reality I've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars investing in New Britain. Mostly its the tenants that are the problem. You know the ones who don't pay rent, destroy the property, conduct drug deals, conduct prostitution. Stop blaming the landlords for every problem out there when a lot of it comes from within.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I support the O'Brien administration's effort to allocate some new revenue for the city by going after these scumbag landlords. All they care about is making money and they think they can pack a council meeting and insult our great city and not suffer any consequences. They aren't interested in any sort of compromise at all. I'm calling their bluff right now about raising rent.

It certainly makes much more sense to go ahead with this plan rather than go the route of cutting funds for the library or closing the senior center. These are tough times and we have to clean up the mess left by the previous administration. These landlords have no concept of "shared sacrifice" and it's time to hit them where it hurts.
Obviously posted by someone who never owned a business, never ran anything, and possibly doesn't even pay taxes himself. If you increase the landlord's cost, the only person that will pay the additional cost is the consumer, in this case the tenant. You are obviously in some sort of socialist utopia if you think the landlord is going to absorb these costs out of his own pocket. Basic economics dictates that if you raise the cost of the product, the cost to the consumer must be increased, so to think you are punishing these evil rich landlords for owning property is a pipe dream. All you are doing is raising the cost the tenant who can not afford the rent now. And if you think your ordinance prohibiting the landlord from passing these costs on to the tenant will survive a court challenge, then you are really in a deep socialist slumber as it is clearly unconstitutional. You have heard of the US Constitution, or has OBama finished shredding it. Read Amendment 5, regarding the taking of property without just compensation.Then read Article XVII, Connecticut Constitution regarding the same subject.

Anonymous said...

Frank if I am correct this financial problem they are supposed to be dealing with was created by O'Brien himself. This is his budget with over $14million in revenues he never will collect! All dems can do is blame the previous administration for their own ineptitude in running the city! Lets see what the closeout of Stewart's last budget year say and then let your democratic readers comment. I bet once again there will be no deficit on the books for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Their so called structural deficit of $30m is nothing more than hogwash! Someone should go ask the former finance director who is still being paid until next August what really went on behind closed doors of this administration Frank!

Anonymous said...

"Lets see what the closeout of Stewart's last budget year say and then let your democratic readers comment"

Rumor has it there is actually a surplus from last years close-out.....i guess we will see.

Anonymous said...


Orson Curtis's great great grandchild said...

Everyone knows that tonight's meeting will be sabatoged by slumlord bullies from out of town who care more about pushing council members around than anything else.

Anonymous said...

Frank I heard John Rowland talking about this landlord thing on his talk radio show. Can you put a post up about that? Also a few friends told me it was even a tag line on CNN.

Anonymous said...

Again, why is anyone calling me a slumlord?

To lable people simply because they own real estate sounds prejudice to me.

And again you don't know me & I don't know you, nor do you know how I maintain my properties.

Anonymous said...

Funds for the Library and another program today were cut today. Let the kids roam the street since there will be no place for them to go.

Little Poland said...

Traditionally, real estate is seen as a long-term investment to most buyers. Especially in the developed world, most landlords will properly maintain their properties even when doing so proves costly in the short term, in order to attract higher rents and more desirable tenants in the long run. A well-maintained property is worth more to potential buyers.

In contrast, slumlords do very little or no maintenance on their property and usually do not contract with property management services (ordinarily, just enough to meet minimum local requirements for habitability), and in turn offer low rent rates to lure tenants who will not (or cannot) pay high rent (and/or who might not pass background checks should these be required to live in the higher rent areas). Slumlords of this kind typically prosecute many evictions.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something?

If the shortfall is $14 million, and the uncollected motor vehicle taxes exceeds $18 million, wouldn't the logical solution be to do what Mr. Smith suggest right along? "collect the taxes"

If the O'Brien administration is simply sitting on their hands when it comes to collecting taxes, and it appears they are when several council members are delinquent and the same council named a street in honor of a tax delinquent who is an elected official himself, then don't cry to us because you can't do your job and collect the taxes.

Elect an incompetent and all he does is cry like a little baby.

Anonymous said...

Little Poland, if you upgraded all the properties in New Britain to be top flight well maintained properties, you would be forcing the existing tenants to move to other cities because they could no longer afford to live here. It always comes back to something liberals never seem to understand, and that is that someone has to pay for it. In this case it would be the tenants.

Contrary to what most whacked out Democrats think, there is nothing free in this world--nothing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Frank I heard John Rowland talking about this landlord thing on his talk radio show. Can you put a post up about that? Also a few friends told me it was even a tag line on CNN.

I found this story from a link on Fox News.

Slumlords Must Go said...

All business owners are out to make $$$ and they don't care about anyone but themselves. (Same for these landlords) That's why we need unions to look out for average folks trying to make a living. Business owners and landlords only care about themselves. They would sell out their own children to make an extra dollar. Don't let them fool you -- they don't have it tough nor do they know what it means to struggle from week to week. A slumlord's version of struggling is buying a Corvette instead of a Ferrari. And then what? They blame their tenants on all their problems? What a joke.

I heard one of these guys complain about investing all this money in New Britain and having it so tough... well if it was really that tough, you'd get out, but you don't want to because you just want to steal from the common man and live a jet set life in Farmington or Avon or Plainville. Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

I think the Democrats are trying to tell you that they miss you in their party. Maybe if you go back to being a Democrat, they'll play nice.
I'm sure Little Mack will welcome you with open arms!

Anonymous said...

O;Brien must be afraid that the constables will go after the council members and finally make them pay their taxes.

Anonymous said...

why don't we start by getting Chris Murphy to pay his taxes?

Anonymous said...

I like the headline about O'Brien's administration "looking" for something because O'Brien couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag.

Anonymous said...

The council has its tax avoiders the Board of Ed has its tax cheatsEithercollect the taxes or put them all in jail

Anonymous said...

We could have had a smart educated successful businessman running this city, but no, he didn't have a (D) after his name. Wake up New Britain. The local Democrats in New Britain are not the same as your national Democrats. These are socialist.

The Truth Hurts said...

I keep hearing Democrats complain about this blog, but I think it is out of jealousy that no one is reading the liberal rags like the Herald. I never saw any ongoing conversations like this on their site, and I think the radicals are upset that more people come here for their info about what is happening in town.

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