Wednesday, December 19, 2012

America is turning into a third world.

The Obama administration has been advised by Harry Belafonte to imprison those who oppose his agenda.

Just like “a third world dictator would do.”

As each day passes we begin as Americans to realize that we are becoming a totalitarian fascist in turning America into a gulag.

Sadly, America is losing its battle to retaining the freedom our constitution entitles’ us all as Americans.



Anonymous said...

Democrats won't be happy until they have totally destroyed this country by turning it into some third world country where everyone is destitute except for the privileged elite class.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is by design that everything this president touches - 'trickles down' to turn to garbage. If there would be an honest history book several decades from now - this time in America will be compared with the darkest days in the world's history - where pure evil has unfathomable power.

Anonymous said...

Hitler would have been proud of this president.

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