Friday, December 21, 2012

Former New Britain Alderman Sets the Record Straight

Time and time again whether in this column or in citizen comments on articles in the on line version of the Herald the total incompetence and ineptness of the O’Brien Administration is addressed. Whether it is the ham-handed dictatorial pronouncements, edicts, and fiats handed down to city employees or the disrespectful handling of citizens and the press at public hearings, or the muzzling of city hall employees, this administration is the worst in New Britain history. The only employees that are left to do their jobs as specified by the City Charter or Statutes are those that are elected. Even many of these are threatened with non endorsement for the next election cycle if they don’t “toe the line.”

New Britain city government is a mess. How so? O’Brien and Sherwood have destroyed the department structure of the City so that now, we have no permanent management system in our government. Without meaning to disparage any individual, we have now only four major departments with permanent, duly qualified directors, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Personnel and Water. Even these departments have had changes thrown at them.

Where are the Building Department, Health, Municipal Development, Finance, Police, Fire etc.? They all have “Acting” or “Interim” heads. Now these are all good people but here’s the problem; they are all beholden to O’Brien and Sherwood. This leads to a state of affairs where the “dynamic duo” of Tim and Phil who don’t know what day it is are running the City into the ground! One mistake after another leads to one lie after another, each one bigger than the first in an attempt to cover up. Witness the latest fiasco, the landlord and hotspot issues. What a disaster! And our Democrat super majority on the Common Council refuse to get rid of this embarrassment named O’Brien. When asked for a comment from Democrat Council Member, "Manny Sanchez “ , his reply was, , "... no comment.”

Lou Salvio


Anonymous said...

My guess is that the aldermen know that if they don't go along with John McNamara, they will not go back on the Council, losing their status and more importantly, to them, their salary. Take away the salary and they will not run again. We will get people who really care for the good and welfare of the city.
Any chance of someone else taking over for McNamara?? Thought not. It is an example of abuse of power.

Anonymous said...

You are giving these dumbbells a lot of credit when you suggest they could think for themselves enough to realize that they would lose their salary, pension and taxpayer funded health insurance if they don't get anointed by little mack the lesser one to get reelected.

Anonymous said...

Manny Sanchez is digging his own grave...and no this is not a threat...

Anonymous said...

According to Manny's comments I understood him to say that everyone has a right to a place to live and and I further understood his comments to mean that these rich people must be forced to provide that place to live for them for free if necessary. In other words, take some of that money from these evil rich and redistribute it to people that Manny apparently believes deserve your money more than you do. So what if you worked hard to earn it and they never worked a day in their lives. You have no right to have more money than they do. They are entitled to their "fare share" of your wealth just for being born.

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