Friday, December 14, 2012

Moving out of Connecticut and New Britain

Due to the ultra liberal socialist and their give away programs, many are moving out of Ct., not just to find work but get away from the extremely high taxes.

Some are going to Florida while others are going to states that have low taxes and employment opportunities.

Some in New Britain are also planning to leave Ct. in order to get away from the O'Brien & and the Malloy Administrations.



Anonymous said...

Texas is a great location to relocate to. There is no state income tax and there can never be a state income tax as it is prohibited to tax income by the state constitution. Texas is also a right to work state so you can never be forced against your will to pay dues to a union--ever.

Anonymous said...

Florida has no state income tax and is also a right to work state.

Anonymous said...

I use to laugh when people suggested moving out of state before.

It's not that funny anymore. I'm seriously thinking about it.

No pun intended but it's a sad State of affairs here.

Anonymous said...

I love CT very much and New Britain too but I have a foot both here and in the south now. Hard to say good bye but it's coming. And with that my hard work and tax dollars go with me. See ya later liberal democrats! Hope you can support yourselves without us.

Anonymous said...

I love CT very much and New Britain too but I have a foot both here and in the south now. Hard to say good bye but it's coming. And with that my hard work and tax dollars go with me. See ya later liberal democrats! Hope you can support yourselves without us.

Anonymous said...

maybe the busway needs to be expanded to a one way trip to one of the remaining free states of America where taxes are low and no one can ever be forced to pay dues to a communist union.

Anonymous said...

the Carolinas are a popular destination for people fleeing socialist CT.

Anonymous said...

We already lost one seat in Congress because of our dwindling population and we are on track to lose at least one more by the next census as people flee socialism seeking freedom.

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