Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New Britain Residents --Today we are asking for your help.

Mayor O'Brien, in a move that has infuriated many members of the New Britain Common Council, has decided to schedule a public hearing for his controversial landlord licensing ordinance this Friday at 7PM, the same day Governor Malloy has called for a "Day of Mourning in Connecticut".

We feel a public hearing is highly inappropriate when many of us are conflicted over the joy of the holiday and the sorrow of Connecticut's worst tragedy. There is plenty of time to discuss this ordinance as the implementation date is April of 2013. Now is truly a time to be with our families and loved ones.

We ask you call Mayor O'Brien at 860-826-3303 and Council President Michael Trueworthy at 860-827-8816 and request they cancel Friday's meeting to show respect for the victims and their families of the Newtown tragedy and honor Governor Malloy's Connecticut's Day of Mourning.


Robert J. De Cosmo

Pres. CT Property Owners Alliance Inc.


Anonymous said...

If the council is really that "outraged" then let them grow some testicular fortitude and stay home. Without a quorum, O'Brien through his mouthpiece Sherwood can call for all the meetings his tiny little miniscule brain desires, but if there is no quorum, then there is no legal meeting. To say that they are outraged, but still show up and do what they are commanded to do by Sherwood is proof positive of what a bunch of brainless puppets they really are.

Anonymous said...

Neither of the people you suggest calling has any authority whatsoever to change this. If they want change, the people must plead with the one and only man who has any authority in city hall, the behind the scenes mayor and silent leader of the council: Lord and Czar Sherwood himself.

Anonymous said...

O'Brien would have to consider himself extremely lucky if he were even allowed to carry Sherwood's brief case for him.

Anonymous said...

I would be surprised if Sherwood would let the puppet O'Brien shine his shoes. Besides, who really thinks that O'Brien would have the brains to handle such a complicated task anyway?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they postponed the meeting so they can all tune into the NRA's press conference Friday evening when the NRA will lay out their plans to help keep the schools safe, although Governor Perry has the right idea with finding ways to get more guns into the schools as a way of making the schools much safer. More guns equals more safety.

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