Friday, January 25, 2013

Both Sides of the Story


Anonymous said...

What Robin describes about such one-sided liberal reporting is exactly why so many newspapers are failing. The few newspapers in America that do report the news fairly are posting record profits for their shareholders while the one-sided papers pushing their own liberal agenda all seem to be failing.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the days when journalists followed their story no matter where it took them? The only goal was the truth and beating their competition to the story. Now most of these papers are so in the tank for Democrats that their papers read like the party newsletter.

Makes me ashamed that I actually delivered the Herald when I was younger.

Anonymous said...

I believe that more people will respond how I have. I couldn't tell you the last time I read a copy of the Herald and I absolutely refuse to read it online because every online hit you give their web page generates more advertising revenue for them and I choose not to support such biased reporting.

Anonymous said...

Looking at it from a purely business point of view as an advertiser, the City Journal is a much better bang for the buck than the daily newspaper because the advertising space is much more affordable and one ad reaches virtually every household in the city.

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