Thursday, January 24, 2013

The New Britain common Council sends entertainment Complex Plan to its Sub-Committee.

At a cost of $7,500 for a study of any and all effects that will occur to the Stanley Golf Course. Studying of a miniature golf course, batting cages etc. that are to take place in the area of the planned parking area for the Costco Store.

This Costco plan was supported by Mayor O'Brien during his election for Mayor.

Could it be that there is a plan in place for the final demise to this long term plan by the common council leaving the mayor with his claim that he was for it, but the council killed it, just like Pontius Pilate our mayor will be washing his hands of the Costco proposal.



Anonymous said...

This mayor is incredibly inept! What are we to do with all of the uninformed democratic votes against us? How can we reach them?

Thanks to Frank and Lou Salvio, we are being informed. But, that is speaking to the choir!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that one of his great accomplishments as your state representative was to join his crony Sherwood with radical protests in front of Walmart until Walmart had enough of the nonsense and picked up and moved out of town--taking their 150 jobs and the taxes they used to pay to New Britain with them.

What a great leader, whose main accomplishment is to run employers out of town!

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