Thursday, January 17, 2013

The USA Takeover Has Happened!


Unfortunately, the US liberal press make no mention of the conspiracy take over by the Obama administration with the exception to the Texas press because their newspapers lean more to the right of the spectrum. However, our Neighbors to the north, report the US News effectively including what the American press will not print, making Canada our good news source.
What problems this conspiracy is causing is the ignoring of the constitutional government of the United States which has been overthrown with all the American people having been captured.

Our President has purposely been ignoring the only law of the land, The Constitution of the United States, with all the Executive orders he has issued in order to by-pass the Congressional process and not to mention the 42 czars' he appointed to help in the process.

Only Yesterday he signed 23 such executive orders to dramatize the Sandy Hook school tragedy.

Some to the north of us believe that Obama will be our last president because he will become our dictator by executive order.

Our Founders left England establishing a great nation but our President is bringing back the European and communist infiltration into every branch of our government transforming our Republic into a tyrannical kingdom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As of today Obama has yet to ever reach the high approval rating of George W. Bush. As of this same day in their respective presidencies, George W Bush had a 52% approval rating while Obama has only a 49% approval rating.

It appears that the history books will reflect Obama to have been the least popular president in history (certainly the most failed presidency ever) while George W Bush will be remembered as one of the more popular.

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