Thursday, January 10, 2013

Walmart, Biden to discuss restricting gun rights - Neil W. McCabe


Anonymous said...

Liberals never let a good tragedy go to waste when it can be used to push their radical agenda. This is a play right out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" a book I have little doubt can be found in city hall.

Anonymous said...

Our founding fathers did not author the second amendment so we could shoot a turkey for dinner.

The second amendment is the citizen's protection against a corrupt government.

We are against the government's takeaway of any type of gun from its law binding citizens.

Anonymous said...

Our founding fathers did not author the second amendment so we could shoot a turkey for dinner.

The second amendment is the citizen's protection against a corrupt government.

We are against the government's takeaway of any type of gun from its law binding citizens.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd amendment was put in place to protect us from a potential tyrannical government, a tyrannical government that is no longer 'potential' but that we are living through.

Anonymous said...

If Joe "FOOT in the Mouth" Biden, handles the Gun issue like he was supposed to MONITOR THE NEARLY TRILLION DOLLAR STIMULUS, WE HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.......

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