Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The public hearing for House Bill #6015 to repeal the 911-Ordinance in New Britain is tomorrow morning, 11AM in room 1-E in the Legislative Office Building at the State Capitol.

MEET US ON 2/7/13 AT 10:00AM IN THE LOBBY OF THE LEGISLATIVE OFFICE BUILDING we will assemble there and hand out talking points and stickers to wear on your jacket for the hearing...bring as many people as you can.

We encourage you to submit your own written testimony the day of the hearing, keep it brief, 2 pages or less.

For those folks who can not make it up in person to testify, The Public Safety Commitee is accepting written testimony via email. This testimony will be part of the public record and committee members will have the opportunity to read the testiony. Of course testifying live in person is always more impactful, but for those people who just can't make it to the LOB -electronically submitted testimony is a another option to get their opinion on record.

Written testimony must be sent to the Public Safety Committee by 9:30 am Thursday Feb 7th.

In the subject line put : "Written testimony in support of HB 6015"

Send testimony to the Committee clerk Kirstin Breiner at : please note her name is Kirstin NOT Kristin.

Some basic talking points for your testimony

911 calls are a right all residents are entitled to for free

911 calls are already paid by a surcharge in our phone bills

Police and Fire Department budgets are already funded with property tax dollars

Any complaint covered in this ordinance should be dealt with by the Nuisance Abatement Laws on the books since 2000 and covered by the Chief States' Attorney office.

CT Property Owners Alliance Inc.



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Waterbury, CT 06702

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Anonymous said...

Readers of this propaganda need to understand that grandma who calls 911 if her house is robbed or your neighbor who sees a car theft will not be charged anything. Simple as that. What the ordinance does is hold slumlords accountable who live out of state and don't care about their income properties.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the state is about to outlaw your slumlord law.

Anonymous said...

Knowing how these out of control radicals are drunken with power, I fully expect them to claim that their hot spot ordinance supersedes state law.

Anonymous said...

Fines and Fees. New taxes.

Half of New Britain barely speaks English and they do not understand this ordinance.

This administration is creating more liable.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic Party doesn't give a rat's petuty about human life.

The only thing that matters to it, is money and power.

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