Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hiring More Cronies


Anonymous said...

If there is a God, these 2 will be rooming soon with Jessie Jackson Jr!

Anonymous said...

I believe that the City Journal is going to lead to this clown's undoing just like the Washington Post brought down Nixon.

Anonymous said... Because Nov can't come soon enough !!!!

Anonymous said...

So what exactly did Pudlin get paid so much taxpayer money for?

Anonymous said...

Former NB Democratic State Representative David Pudlin's Political Consulting Firm - Strategic Communications (PSC) based in Bloomfield, CT, was hired by NB Mayor Tim O'Brien for consulting services in 2012 to spur economic development in New Britain area.

According to FOI Documents, acquired by the New Britain City Journal, the company owned by David Pudlin was paid from May 2012 through Feb. 2013 and one of Pudlin's staff employee was NB Mayor Pro-Tem Michael Trueworthy.

The Pudlin Political Consulting Firm (PSC) was hired without asking for bids. Alderman David DeFronzo confirmed that the firm was hired during a March 14, 2012 meeting that stated that Mayor O' Brien was hiring a professional economic development consulting service (PSC) not to exceed the payment of $2,800 per month.

It appears that Mayor O'Brien has hired Pudlin's PSC Firm with out direct approval of the NB Common Council as per the City Charter.

Anonymous said...

I hope Sam is taking note of this latest piece of apparent corruption to emerge.

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