Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Moving from Connecticut Because it’s a Forced Unionism State!

Connecticut lost, from July 2011-to July 2012, 19,251 residents based on information from the National Right to Work Newsletter.

Both Companies and employees are migrating out of our state due to the high taxes and the liberal mandates imposed by our Legislature.

It appears that the Ct. workers are speaking with their feet indicating that they no longer accept being forced to join a union in order to be able to work.



Anonymous said...

Freedom is being free to move to a state where you can't be forced against your will to belong to a radical communist organization.

Anonymous said...

Get out. We don't want you here. We are going to implement more shared wealth policies and theres not a damn thing you people can do about it. I recommend going to Texas or South Carolina with all the other racist trash.

Anonymous said...

I guess to be free not to be forced against your will to belong to a communist anti-American organization is now considered racist?

I didn't know communism was a race. I always thought it was a political party represented by a "D"

Anonymous said...

Texas and South Carolina both have low unemployment rates (less than half the rate here in Connecticut)and both states have huge budget surpluses, so much so that they are having trouble figuring out what to do with all the extra money.

How's that 14% unemployment rate in New Britain working for you?

Sounds like someone is seriously jealous that he is stuck in a city and state that are both collapsing in bankruptcy at the hands of communists.

Anonymous said...

That's the best thing about Texas or South Carolina--no union scum!

Anonymous said...

Would the last one out of communist Connecticut please turn off the lights?

Anonymous said...

More jobs moving to a right to work state:

News reports from Charlotte, N.C., say the city is hoping for an influx of MetLife jobs from the Northeast, but it is unclear if any of those jobs might be from the company's offices in Bloomfield.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment about being a racist if you move to South Carolina even though the majority of the population in that state is black. They just don't go for communism.

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