Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rally at City Hall CPOA of New Britain , Mercier President


Anonymous said...

I guess the city hall communists will need to get ready to seize more American Flags.

What is it that these communists find so vile about in American flags, is it the individual liberty that they stand for?

Anonymous said...

Did Gov. Malloy actually say he "made tough budget decisions" with a straight face? Yeah, tough decisions like the biggest tax increases in Connecticut history. Tough decisions such as a 10% increase in spending over the next two years. Now he proposes to steal money from cities and towns with a giveaway of the tax on motor vehicles. Imagine if Mayors could cut state taxes!

Anonymous said...

I think what Dictator Dan might have been referring was that he had to choose which socialist organization to give our hard earned money to.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet if the flags they were waving had a sickle and star on a red background then there would be no problem found with them having flags.

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