Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The $100,000 Sham


Anonymous said...

$100 thousand dollar sham is an accurate comment for the O'Brien/Sherwood administration.

Anonymous said...

Until, Dana or Frank or any of you can justify why Mayor O'Lyin and Sherwood deceived us about Briggette Brown's pay, then there is no arguement. The guy is a proven LIAR. He has never done anything, EVER, in his political career. He is the very definition of a HACK. Dana, tell me why you support a liar who is spending over $50k of our money for NO REASON? And in your response, do not refer to Tim Stewart or Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. Just tell me why O'Lyin and Phil can lie and steal and you support them.

I don't care how Sam wants to spend his money to fight this. I care about how the lying mayor SPENDS MY MONEY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Since he is clearly in way over his head, maybe it is time for the voters to send this dimwit back to bagging groceries, that is if bagging groceries isn't too complicated for such a simpleton.

Anonymous said...

A monkey could do a better job as mayor.

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