Obama was babbling on like a baboon about the poor people little cleaning the floors at the US Capitol having to take a pay cut, so why doesn't he do like his loyal worshiper, Dictator Dan, and simply lay them all off and contract out the cleaning to a private company?
Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis and any others with the cojones to speak out against the anti-American policies of the Obama regime should take a page from the book of the savvy Dr. Ben Carson.
I guess Dictator Obama doesn't realize that Bob Woodward already brought down one president, but then I guess Obama believes he is unstoppable since most dictators are.
Obama was babbling on like a baboon about the poor people little cleaning the floors at the US Capitol having to take a pay cut, so why doesn't he do like his loyal worshiper, Dictator Dan, and simply lay them all off and contract out the cleaning to a private company?
Obama said we shouldn't be making a bunch of "dumb arbitrary cuts", but how can we avoid that if there is a dummy in charge?
Senator D'Amato of NY said that as jackasses go, Obama leads the pack as the biggest jackass, so would if be fair to cal Obama "AMERICA'S JACKASS?"
Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis and any others with the cojones to speak out against the anti-American policies of the Obama regime should take a page from the book of the savvy Dr. Ben Carson.
I guess Dictator Obama doesn't realize that Bob Woodward already brought down one president, but then I guess Obama believes he is unstoppable since most dictators are.
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