Monday, March 25, 2013

New Britain Official Phil Sherwood Complains To Elections Officials About Anonymous Attack Campaign -



Anonymous said...

Just another way to try to stop free speech!

Anonymous said...

Our communist friends are probably correct about this one. You can say someone shouldn't get reelected but you have to report those costs to state agencies and have disclaimers.

It appears who ever is paying for the ads have not done that.

If they can find witnesses that Sam Zherka gave a grant to Robin Vinci's paper than they might have the evidence to prove that the paper coordinated in the political speech.

Anonymous said...

I guess the first Amendment only applies to communists?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the ethics commission should start looking into some of O'Brien's scumbag deals?

Anonymous said...

Your nuts Sherwood...And apparently, you don't know as much as you think!

Anonymous said...

Tim Stewart's comments on Mayor O'Brien's aide....

....Typical behavior from the city's agitator general Phil Sherwood. He has done this routinely to people that he dislikes or seem to be his adversary. In fact he has filed several complaints against me for frivilous resons only to attempt to discredit me.

He and his co-conspirator Rosemary Klotz have repeatedly sent letters to the State Elections Enforcement Bureau to make sure they didn't forget about their complaints against me.

Now obviously the New Britain City Journal ( NBCJ ) has become a thorn in their side and because they cannot influence her paper they choose to file complaints against her (Editor Robin Vinci). More juvenile character assassination attempts from the mayor's office in NB !

How about an investigation into the funneling of city money into the coffers of the NB Herald? Where's the investigative reporting journalists are supposed to be doing in NB ?

Anonymous said...

CAPITAL REPORT - New Britain Official Complains To Elections Officials About Anonymous Attack Campaign.

Anonymous said...

Like the web site says, this web site not affiliated with any campaign or 501c, so file all the ethics complaints you want Sherwood!

Besides, they do direct any complaints to Mr. Ben Dover. Did Sherwood even bother contacting Mr. Dover with his complaint?

Anonymous said...

I guess the truth being told about these pieces of crap is starting to get to them after all?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Sherwood needs to read Robin's article about how to battle a silent enemy???

Anonymous said...

What happened to the report that city hall was backing down? It seems that for the radical extremist agenda, it's full speed ahead for the agitator general.

Anonymous said...

I guess scum really does rise to the top!

Anonymous said...

Our city has been hijacked by socialists.

Corruption, Communisim and a single digit IQ. Why are we being punished?

Anonymous said...

You may ask why NO'Brien2013 ?...... because No'Brien is a good O'brien.....

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting that in the city Journal poll the majority of people want Tim Stewart back?

Anonymous said...


I wonder if Phil's and Rosemary's letters to the EEC are typed on personal or city computers !

Anonymous said...

Clearly Phil Sherwood and Tim O'Brien are reacting to the swell of opposition due to their corruption and incompetence.

Ironically though, if anyone should be under investigation it is those two - the $100k from the legal fund that was used as a payoff is just one blatant example.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks Sherwood and O'Brien are big babies?

Anonymous said...

I just think they are radical extremists that appear to be attempting to transform this city into a communist regime.

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