It should be easy to get the Connecticut gun makers to come here to Texas.
There is every reason to move and absolutely none to stay in Connecticut. They will be leaving behind the highest business taxes in the nation, the highest personal income taxes, forced unions, state mandated sick leave for every employee, the highest gasoline taxes in the country, the highest utility costs in the nation, unbelievable state and local "anti-business" regulations and much more. All this and to the liberal extremists who run Connecticut, gun makers are treated like the devil himself.
To top it off, the radical extremist governor believes that guns are so dangerous that they should be banned for Connecticut residents, but he is OK with these companies making these dangerous instruments in Connecticut so long as they only sell them to residents of other states. In other words, they are not too dangerous for the residents of the other 49 states so long as Danny Boy Malloy can get his greedy liberal hands on the tax money from these companies for selling them outside the state.
After reading this article, it appears that the rest of the country is laughing at us for the yo-yos we elected to run this state right into the ground.
Like the article says, the best incentive that these right to work states have to offer is that no one may be forced against their will to pay dues to a union--ever!
It should be easy to get the Connecticut gun makers to come here to Texas.
There is every reason to move and absolutely none to stay in Connecticut. They will be leaving behind the highest business taxes in the nation, the highest personal income taxes, forced unions, state mandated sick leave for every employee, the highest gasoline taxes in the country, the highest utility costs in the nation, unbelievable state and local "anti-business" regulations and much more. All this and to the liberal extremists who run Connecticut, gun makers are treated like the devil himself.
To top it off, the radical extremist governor believes that guns are so dangerous that they should be banned for Connecticut residents, but he is OK with these companies making these dangerous instruments in Connecticut so long as they only sell them to residents of other states. In other words, they are not too dangerous for the residents of the other 49 states so long as Danny Boy Malloy can get his greedy liberal hands on the tax money from these companies for selling them outside the state.
Is there any more extreme example of hypocrisy?
After reading this article, it appears that the rest of the country is laughing at us for the yo-yos we elected to run this state right into the ground.
February 2013:
Connecticut loses 5,700 jobs.
Texas adds 80,600 jobs.
Who is leading their state in the right direction?
Like the article says, the best incentive that these right to work states have to offer is that no one may be forced against their will to pay dues to a union--ever!
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