Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Supreme Court justices conflicted on gay marriage case - The Washington Post


Anonymous said...

Since the only purpose for marriage is procreation, same sex marriage is totally illogical and irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

I don't see much attention being given to the fact that it is the Democrats who are oppressing gays just like they have been doing to blacks for over 200 years.

It was Bill Clinton who signed DOMA into law and once again this is another group that keeps electing the very people that are treating them as non-humans.

Anonymous said...

OMG you posters are silly.

Anonymous said...

I guess we must be just as silly as the 9 Supreme Court Justices who don't believe that there is such a silly right as 2 same sex people marrying:

Supreme Court justices signaled on Tuesday that they are reluctant to embrace a broad ruling finding a fundamental right to marriage for gays and lesbians across the United States.

Anonymous said...

Biblically, the purpose of the marriage covenant was to bless the union of a man to a woman, and thus give a blessing to procreation.

Anonymous said...

Gay marriage, infanticide, communist president,anti-christianity! I'm old , I'm glad that I don't have many more years to live in this perversion of the United States! Like the Roman Empire, we are being destroyed from within !

Anonymous said...

I am sick to death of "special interest" groups. The next challenges will be for polygamous marriages.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Biblically, the purpose of the marriage covenant was to bless the union of a man to a woman, and thus give a blessing to procreation.

Let's just see what the holy bible has to say on this subject?

18:22 Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Anonymous said...

There's an article on the opinion page "Gay Marriage incompatible with Religious Freedom"...it's an excellent article about how radical the liberal gay agenda has already gotten...their goal is to shut down all religions and churches.

Anonymous said...

I want to marry my pet rabbit, is that Ok or do I need to move to CA first?????

Anonymous said...

We need to look at society. With this country morally corrupt and bankrupt. They look to take away our freedom and defense. The liberals believe in killing unborn babies, gay marriage and man on man relations. We need to go back to the lord he is our only salvation.

Anonymous said...

On the NBC Nightly News host Brian Williams claimed that a majority of Americans now support homosexual marriage. But the Reuters Corporation recently released the results of a huge poll finding only 41 percent of America supports it.

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