Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CPOA Alert Mayor to sign Off on HRS'S Back Taxes and future as well

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HRA Taxes Forgiven

Apr 30, 2013 07:28 am | Nicholas Mercier

In a troubling move the Common Council has authorized the Mayor of New Britain to enter into a “tax liabilities agreement” with the New Britain HRA. You can read a bit more about this here. Essentially the Mayor has been authorized to not only forgive more that $223,000 in back taxes, but he has also been given permission to make them exempt from any future taxes. (more…)
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Surplus Masks Failed Revenues

Apr 30, 2013 01:24 am | Nicholas Mercier

Recently the New Britain Common Council transferred over $6 million from the city’s self insurance fund to cover a litany of differing expenses. The resolution is interesting for a number of reasons. It not only reveals some financial mismanagement of the city, but it also is steeped in a political agenda as much of the money goes to pay off failed revenue sources in the Mayor’s last budget. You can download a copy of the budget transfer resolution here if you’d like to follow along at home.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am happy if property taxes don't go up. Maybe next year the city will have to raise taxes but the economy is still turning around.

It was a good idea (the republicans on the school board deserve credit for this not O'Brien) to bond money for the schools. My kids classroom is falling apart and the city has put off major fixes to long.

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