Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mayor O'Brien's Candidacy Demise

 The New Britain Republican Party's Mayoral Candidate that will be announced, on a future date, will certainly be the demise for the candidacy of our Robot-Calling Mayor O'Brien.  Bertha Lewis and all of her Crew will not be able to save her chosen Mayoral Candidate this time even with the additional help of the Governor Malloy.


Anonymous said...

a call from Bertha would be all the reason anyone would need to vote against O'Brien.

Anonymous said...

Yippee...Bye Bye O'Brien!!

Anonymous said...

I only wish this was a true story....How long are we to be held in suspense ?

Anonymous said...

O'Brien is shaking in his shoes!

Anonymous said...

Don't count on it!

Remember, the Lib Dem's will be handing out their fake driver's licenses just in time for the election. Combined with their sinister "same day voter registration scheme", they won't have any trouble steeling all future elections, including this one.

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