Monday, July 15, 2013

Alan Dershowitz: Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Should Be Disbarred:Huckabee/Fox News


Anonymous said...

The jury in the Zimmerman court room did their job, while the prosecution failed to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Why do people always want to throw race into it. It's a stupid red-herring argument that simply muddies the water and makes groups like the NAACP look stupid. Self-defense is self-defense... regardless of the color of the attacker or the one being attacked.

Anonymous said...

Typical Democrats who believe that the judicial system can be used for their own political agenda when in fact the justice system is only supposed to be concerned with the truth--whether or not liberals happen to like what the truth turns out to be.

Anonymous said...

He must be racist.

Anonymous said...

How the Zimmerman court case launched the liberal phrase "SOCIAL ENGINEERING- replacing “Community Organizer” .....

It appears liberal Media activists and liberal Lawyers are adopting “Social Engineering” in the Zimmerman case as their title of choice. The Left has to constantly come up with new words to defile and dilute. They are running away from “racist” in favor of “profiler” and using “Progressive” instead of “Liberal.” So, It’s no surprise that they are running away from “Community Organizer” and “Community Activist” in favor of “Social Engineering”. But who are they kidding?

It’s worth noting that the term “Social Engineering” has roots in computer science and describes that act of hacking (manipulating) the human brain in a way that compels the target to divulge information or somehow act in a manner they normally wouldn’t. It’s highly manipulative and is associated with criminal activity almost 100% of the time.

Anonymous said...

The United States Attorney General Eric Holder called the killing of Trayvon Martin a “tragic, unnecessary shooting,” and indicated that the Justice Department will follow “the facts and the law” as it reviews evidence to see whether federal discrimination criminal charges are warranted.

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to Eric Holder?

Anonymous said...

He must be racist.

July 15, 2013 at 2:15 PM

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