Monday, July 1, 2013

Bertha Lewis the President of the Infamous Acorn and The Working families Parties.

One may wonder if Bertha will return to New Britain to render her support for Mayor O'Brien's re-election, just like she did when he was seeking his election with her endorsing him in Front of City Hall. Isn't that amazing that our mayor was endorsed by this socialist propagandist with his acceptance by embracing her in front of City hall. With his acceptance of her endorsement he has managed to lower the city's Bond Rating along with his Democratic Common Council leadership by giving away taxpayer's money to special friends of the administration, like the former Governor's aid who received $100,000 to the firm he represents, and a renewal of a contract to a former State Representative, whom no one seems to be able to tell us what services he performs for his payoff. Needless to say that since the day of Bertha's endorsement, a socialist form of Government took control of our city hall thanks to Bertha and her group of agitators who were allegedly paid to go door to door knocking on our voters doors in support for former Representative O'Brien who promised (however falsely) to not raise taxes. During his new administration he continued with his promise to not raise taxes but never made any efforts to stop increasing spending but only issued published a list of increases to the city's income fees that were extremely unbelievable by the taxpayers but, never telling the taxpayers that the mil rate will rise nearly 8 mils. His administration blamed the revaluation of properties for the tax increases. just imagine the negative impact on our city by this radical returning to our city to again support our carpetbagger mayor.


Anonymous said...


Roy Occhiogrosso's P.R firm was paid $100,000 of NB taxpayer money with no expectations that they would produce any tangible evidence so far of any improvement in New Britain's image or financial picture. Perhaps O'Brien should tap Roy for the $5000 to produce the July 4th. show !

Anonymous said...

Exactly what service did Pudlin perform?

Anonymous said...

Bertha Lewis spoke at the Winter Conference of the Young Democratic Socialists in March. The ACORN CEO praised socialism and attacked conservatives in her talk.

ACORN is the largest radical leftist group in America today.
This radical group worked closely with the Obama camp during the election but, the community organizing group was not open about the relationship.

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure how relevant the CEO of ACORN is anymore, but at least she’s not hiding her stripes. She attended a Young Democratic Socialists meeting in late March and said we are living in a time – referring to the TEA party movement – that will dwarf the era of Jim Crow and segregation.

It’s not about race you dim-wit. Conservatives and TEA party attendees simply want the federal government to have a smaller, strictly defined role when it comes to running the country. We’ll take care of the rest thank you very much. I’m sick of lefties and socialists – or however they want to describe themselves today – pulling the race card.

Would she care to debate a conservative on real topics? She won’t, she does not have the intellectual muster to keep up with something so basic. Her playbook has one play … calling conservatives racists. As noted in the title, she referred to the TEA parties as a bowel movement. Now that’s an intellectual heavyweight!

Anonymous said...

On March 25th, Bertha Lewis spoke at the Winter Conference of the Young Democratic Socialists at Norman Thomas High School in NYC. Lewis with a straight face and appearing sincere spoon fed the gullible, very young and by this age, fully indoctrinated students a ton of horse fodder and propaganda.

Lewis goes so far as to boldly admit in the video that she is a socialist and supports socialism while at the same time attacking Conservatives and the Tea Party Movement.

Talk about hypocrisy, Lewis and cohorts have no qualms about belting out such confessions of a progressive agenda while in the same breath attacking the right incessantly for naming the left socialists. Why is socialism only a bad word when it comes from the right? Without a doubt, this is hypocrisy gone wild.

Anonymous said...

ACORN. Isn't that the organization that was collecting millions in federal money, and then helping a pimp to set up child prostitution rings, while circumventing paying taxes while capitalizing on federal aid for the underage "prostitutes"?????

Yes. It is that organization.

And they support Obozo on the national level and Tim O'Brien on the local level.

It doesn't get any clearer than that to tell you all you need to know.

Anonymous said...


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