Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"The Facts About Trayvon Martin That The Lame Stream...":

As to the history of racism, President Obama conveniently overlooks the fact that numerous sources, including the FBI, have stated that there was no evidence of racism in George Zimmerman’s behavior.

George Zimmerman is NOT responsible for the history of racism, nor should be held accountable for African Americans being followed in department stores, or the licking door locks, or unnecessary purse clutching.

George Zimmerman is NOT responsible for 400 years of slavery, mob lynching's, rampant racial discrimination, or other racial outrage visited upon blacks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rocker Ted Nugent allegedly fueled the flames of an already fiery rhetoric regarding Trayvon Martin this weekend when he said the unarmed "gangsta wannabe" teen "got justice" when he was shot and killed by George Zimmerman.

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