Friday, July 26, 2013

The Fair Rent Commission Meeting Thursday.

A quorum was not obtained since only three out of the seven appointed commissioners bothered to even show up for the meeting. No business could be conducted with its chairman calling the meeting an administrative procedure.

When walking away I could not wipe from my memory Alderman Emmanuel Sanchez's reason for his proposal for a fare rent commission.   As you may recall he stated" everyone has to live somewhere."

With that thought in mind, I can imagine a rich landlord with his lawyer at his side answering to a tenant's complaint as to why he cannot raise his rent with the unforgiveable actions his honor has taken to make the landlords operation desperate to exist.  Considering the mayor’s efforts to force landlords to pay the city a fee for every apartment they own, the out of control spending by the mayor, the mayor’s failure to balance the budget, and his promise to not raise taxes while in office to the point of even lying to everyone when the taxes did increase by enclosing a bold face lie in the tax bills telling taxpayers that their hugely increased tax bills were not increases at all, it is clear that New Britain is well on its way to a Detroit style financial collapse at the hands of the most inexperienced, possibly most incompetent mayor ever to be elected in city history.

This fare rent commission poses considerable harm to the housing industry that will disallow the free enterprise to operate within our city borders thanks to Alderman Sanchez's intrusion by making landlords less likely to invest in New Britain housing, thus ultimately making less rental units available, and will actually cause more harm to the people it is supposedly intended to help—the people who Alderman Sanchez says have a guaranteed right to a place to live—apparently at the expense of those evil rich landlords who he apparently feels deserve to be punished for being so rich that they have the nerve to own property in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Someone has to own property - or would they prefer everything be owned by the City?

Anonymous said...

The direction of this mayor and this council seems to be for the city to own all property and everyone live in it free of charge paid for by taking some of that wealth from those evil rich people and redistributing it to people who deserve it more than the people who earned it.

Anonymous said...

On 8/27/2003 Republican nominee Christoper Polkowski was found guilty of 3 separate counts of 4th degree larceny after steeling about $70,000 worth of property from the state and trying to sell it on EBAY.

This made statewide news and can be found from a simple google and court records search.

I am also told he was hired by former mayor stewart and works at city hall but I have not been able to confirm that rumor.

Did he tell the city he was found guilty when he was hired? Did Ms. Stewart know about his record of steeling property from the state?

Anonymous said...

In the “old days” it was character, competence, and commitment that mattered in professional life. A man could become a lawyer, without college, by “reading the law” as did Abraham Lincoln and James Byrnes, former member of the U.S. Supreme Court (1941).

Anonymous said...

Property owners need to know that if they are unhappy with this fair rent commission they need to vote out little Emmanuel Sanchez, whose only qualification to serve on the council that anyone could cite was that he lives on Washington Street.

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