Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mayor Investigating Work At Governor's Stamford Property -




Anonymous said...

Isn't that the same home that was raided by federal drug enforcement officers while he was the mayor?

Anonymous said...

Rowland took a hot tub and Malloy apparently got his hedges trimmed.

Anonymous said...

Republican Governor Rowland went to prison for his indiscretion.

Democratic Governor Malloy will be forgiven if not applauded for his.

Such is the state of injustice in Connecticut under its' current Democratic control.

Anonymous said...

I guess you could call this a Stamford hedge fund?

Anonymous said...

So let's get this straight. A Stamford City employee being paid $100,000 per year on the city payroll was seen during his work hours trimming the Governor's property. He goes there in a a private landscape truck (a company he also works for). He shares City of Stamford equipment (a ladder) in his private capacity on City time. He works privately on City time. He takes care of the former mayor's private residence. Looks like this worker is going to take the fall for Malloy . Damn double dipping city workers. Malloy skates.

Anonymous said...

(6) Defrauding of public community. A person is guilty of defrauding a public community who (C) as an officer or agent of any public community, with intent to prejudice it, appropriates its property to the use of any person or draws any order upon its treasury or presents or aids in procuring to be allowed any fraudulent claim against such community.

Anonymous said...

the only surprise is that it wasn't state employees doing the work!

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