Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ct Property Owners Meeting on the 18th

CT Property Owners

It's Time To Take Action

 Sept. 18 Landlords Unite

Let's Permanently
"Fix The Problem"
Rental Property Owners Disrespected For the Last Time

"They are nothing but a bunch of angry slumlords"... REALLY?
It started as a 5-Percent Landlord Tax on your gross rent roll
Talk of Quadrupling  property assessments if the building was "Blighted"
Fining landlords for tenant 9-1-1 calls
The politicians would not listen! They even tried to silence us by limiting public speaking and using "Sheriff Call" Council Meetings
We now ask all Connecticut landlords to unite and take action!
 Please make every effort to BE THERE
September 18th 7:00PM
Whinstone Restaurant
245 Hartford Road, New Britain
CT Property Owners Alliance Inc.

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CT Property Owners Alliance Inc. | 161 North Main Street | Suite 3 | Waterbury | CT | 06702


Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe the vile comments Phil Sherwood and Tim O'Brien were making about property owners. I still can't believe they're take on it, considering Tim O'Brien and his wife are slumlord owners of a property in New York.

I also remember Mike Truworthy suddenly making divisive and rude comments as well, as he weak-mindedly fell under the influence of Sherwood / O'Brien.

It infuriates me that they played such nasty class warfare politics as they did to try to extort property owners - the smallest voting block in the city - who also happen to FUND it.

Is disgusting Alinksy style politics at its worst. I can't wait to see O'Brien walk out the door after November.

Anonymous said...

According to these Democrats, those evil rich landlords must be punished for being so filthy rich. Their money must be taken from them and given to people who deserve it more than those who earned it.

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