Sunday, September 22, 2013

. Remarks that O'Brien has the election locked up is "PURE BULL MESS"

To the Poster of the item below:

"The fact Erin and Frank are talking lawn signs is a great indication that Team O'Brien has this locked up"

Team O'Brien is completely worried.  That is why he refused meet for the debate with the CPOA of New Britain.  When posting "signage" it was not about lawn signs.   You must be an ignorant Democrat to come up with the twist of the English language. 


Anonymous said...

Does O'Brien have lawn signs or is it that no one wants one on their lawn?

Anonymous said...

Can you blame them for not wanting that loser's name in front of their house?

Anonymous said...

Nope that's not it. When Tim Stewart ran against Terry Gerratana he had more signs. When O'Brien ran against Bernacki, Mark had more signs. Keep thinking that lawn signs matter so WE DEMOCRATS CAN KEEP WINNING!!!

Anonymous said...

Face it. No one wants your signs. Most residents are embarrassed by O'Brien. You can use any excuse you want. No one wants O'Brien!

Anonymous said...

I freaking love that you have no idea what I just said and instead go on to confirm my hole point!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous. 9/23/13 at 8:07 P.M.

What is a "hole point?"

Anonymous said...

the hole is the space between your ears that allow my words to flow from one end to the other unobstructed.

Anonymous said...

As long as he thinks it is wrapped, I'm fine with that.

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