Monday, November 11, 2013

You Are Cordialy Invited to the Inauguration of Mayor Erin Stewart!



Anonymous said...

And while the inauguration is taking place, Sherwood and O'Brien will be furiously busy writing bonus checks to their staff and friends before they're forced to hand over the City Checkbook.

The consensus is that Klotz walked away with $16K the last time she was booted out.

No telling how much more she'll walk away with this time.

Anonymous said...

what did she actually do for the last 2 years? Everything I ever read about was done by Sherwood until the medical doctor was hand picked to replace Sherwood and use his office to push for a single payer health care system like the one he so worships in Nicaragua or some other 3rd world communist nation.

Anonymous said...

Well, not to over do it but in the first two minuets as Mayor she'll do more for the betterment of New Britain than little old Timmy and Sherwood ever did. Get it!

Anonymous said...

make that 2 seconds!

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