Sunday, December 29, 2013

Alderman Roy Centeno's remarks Kills his chances for Re-Election

Public statements made by Alderman Roy Centeno claiming of his proud moment was for voting two of Former Mayor's annual budgets and we all certainly know of the inclusion of waste being the major part of those budgets.
He also was proud to vote for the blight ordinance which included the city's purchase of the Berkowitz building touting the takeover by a developer that never materialize.
What the Alderman is famous for, is a widely known fact, of his being a delinquent tax payer.     


Anonymous said...

Wasn't Centeno quoted in one of the news reports saying that it is no one's business but his if he didn't pay his taxes, or something to that effect?

Anonymous said...

The change from the communist dictatorship in city hall to mayor Stewart is the biggest story. The second biggest story enabled the first story to occur. The village missing their idiot "Phil Sherwood" found him and called him home. Sherwoody was the only one with half a brain and without him O'Brien couldn't find the copy machine. This should be the 2nd story. My neighbor works in city hall and said everybody but O'Brien knew it was his only term because after Sherwoody ran back to Vermont there was no one to answer the phones and he goes hires a new communications director of chief of staff with NO communications experience.

Mr. Sherwood was a disgrace to this city His only talent was winning elections by manipulating voters and barking orders at union bosses. Now with him gone the dumbocrats have been exposed for what they are and voted out of office. Ms. Stewart is a breath of fresh air and finally we won't be having anymore crazy leftwing ideas embarrassing NB in the news. Better days ahead indeed.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the folks on and around Kelsey St. are doing and thinking about now that they and the Council Democrats chased Community Builders out of town You all remembers that don't you? Would you rather see the old Aquinas high school property continue to decay and be v vandalized? Would you rather see the City continue to try to keep the property from being a burden on the rest of the taxpayers? Perhaps you would have liked what O'Brien had in mind of making another non taxable homeless center, how does that sound? What about it Sue Holt?
How do you feel about your 8 mil increase in your ta mil rate? How do you feel about the lies O'Brien told about the Berkowitz Building? Etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

Will the media ever report the findings in Centeno's fatal accident? The last news report I saw on the incident said that the Newington Police were conducting the investigation because of who he is, but there was never a follow-up story--at least one that I saw. Does that mean because of who he is, the investigation will simply be "continuing" for an eternity?

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