Monday, December 23, 2013

Donald Trump To Meet With More Than 30 NY GOPers To Talk Possible Governor's Run


Anonymous said...

Electing Trump governor would quickly turn NY around from being one of the absolute worst anti-business states (almost as anti-business as Connecticut under Danny Boy and his communist regime) to one of the best states to run a business.

You would see NY add millions of jobs almost overnight, problem is just like Connecticut, the majority of NY voters live totally free off the government dole, collecting their welfare, free healthcare, section 8 housing, food stamps and their free Obama phones. Most of them would never want a job because that would mean stopping their free ride, putting down their free 40 ouncers and going to work, so they will vote for Democrats to keep that gravy train rolling.

Anonymous said...

Too bad we don't have a Trump like individual to run against Despot Dan.

Anonymous said...

Trump should move to Connecticut. I would vote for him!

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