Monday, December 16, 2013

NORM PATTIS: Awash in lawyers, why not close UConn law school?

With the affordable care act.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Pattis seems to miss the crux of the problem. Because no one can be turned down for pre-existing conditions, there is no incentive to buy insurance until you become sick. Why pay all those premiums while you are healthy, when you can simply wait until you find out you have a serious illness and then buy your insurance and not be denied coverage?

By the way, being able to buy insurance after you are sick isn't insurance, isn't it really welfare?

If you don't think so, then why don't we pass a law that says you can buy fire insurance for your house after the house burned down, or car insurance after you have an accident?

Anonymous said...

how about life insurance for someone who is already dead?

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