Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Big Question for Connecticut: Will Malloy Ever Tell Us The Truth On Anything?


Anonymous said...

The problem for communists is that they actually believe that their government control of every aspect of our lives is a good thing--like we need some commie to tell us what light bulbs we can use, whether we can eat potatoes, or even what kind of grocery bags we can use. I don't believe any communist will ever be happy until you can't take a crap without written permission from a government bureaucracy and then they will have to tell you what color it must be, what the consistency it has to be and how many sheets of ass wipe you are allowed to use after, and no doubt you will have to pay a 5 cent deposit on the roll of ass wipe too.

Anonymous said...

When you're the despot dictator, the truth is whatever you say it is.

Anonymous said...

When you're the despot dictator, the truth is whatever you say it is.

Anonymous said...

scum rises to the top!

Anonymous said...

Today Danny Boy is in Washington DC kissing Obama's ring.

Anonymous said...

is that all Danno is kissing?

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