Saturday, April 5, 2014
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
It is simply easy for me to articulate what Democrats will do to a state because I am living the nightmare of the dictatorship style ruling of Democrats who won't stop until they control every aspect of your life from the cradle to the grave. They always think they know better than you do how you should live your life and will not stop passing more and more rules that you must live by. Deciding what you can eat or drink, where you can an can not smoke, who you can and can not marry, where you can or can not live, and on and on. Right now one of our liberal extremist Congresswomen is on crusade to outlaw potatoes in America because she decided that potatoes have no nutritional value so she thinks it is her place to make that decision for the entire nation. Need I say more?
April 5, 2014 at 3:05 PM
I live in a state that has been ruled by Democrats for over 60 years (and it happens to be right next door to Wendy's native Rhode Island that has been just as destroyed by Democrats). Here are a few things you can expect if Texas becomes a blue state as the Democrats are trying so hard to accomplish (why do you think that liberal extremists from New York and California are pumping millions of dollars into Wendy's campaign coffers?):
Higher taxes in every category to pay for all the free stuff Democrats love to give away with other people's money (my Democrat state has the highest taxes on everything).
State income taxes (again to pay for all the free stuff)
State business income taxes
Free abortions for every women who wants one paid for by state taxpayers
Abortions for school children without parental consent or even parental knowledge that their 12 year old daughter was ever pregnant because abortion is the gem of the Democrats socialist utopia .
Gay marriage and laws forcing religious institutions to provide benefits to gay couples and perform gay marriages against their religious beliefs.
Outlawing guns and gun ownership because there is nothing Democrats as a group despise more than guns.
Liberal judges who are soft on crime and never send anyone to prison no matter how many times they are convicted of serious and dangerous felonies because Democrats don't believe in prison no matter how dangerous the criminal is
Repeal of the Death Penalty because they are always against killing viscous murderers but always seem to be OK with killing innocent unborn babies or even babies born alive--also known as "late term abortions" in liberal lingo.
Legalizing marijuana and taxing the crap out of it to fund even more free stuff to give away
Increases in every kind of welfare program to the point where there is no incentive to ever work again and every incentive to sit home and live free off of the taxpayers because everyone deserves their fair share of your wealth
Giving illegal aliens the right to vote so they can vote for Democrats
Forced unionization so that you are forced to belong to a union and pay their dues as a condition of employment and the union can in turn donate millions of dollars taken from you and other workers by force to donate to the political campaigns of Democrats.
More and more regulations because Democrats always know better than you how you should live your life.
You see it is not about this particular or any individual candidate. It is a question of whether or not you want to give Democrats control of your state. If the changes I described here are your vision for the future of Texas, then by all means vote for every Democrat in the next election. If you doubt me, then just take a look at all the states that Democrats have already destroyed with their socialism and ask yourself if that is what you want for your Texas?