Friday, April 11, 2014

Jeb Bush Says GOP Can 'Restore American Greatness' -

Mayor Erin Stewart received her GOP award of leadership of the year


Anonymous said...

"Americans are the most pessimistic they've ever been," Bush said. "The future can be bright if we … turn around these miserable policies that have created this pessimism."

In other words, we can fix everything they destroyed in this country, state and even this city if we just vote each and every single Democrat out of office and simply undue every communist anti-American policy they jammed down our throats trying to turn this country into a communist dictatorship!

Anonymous said...

Forgive Jeb Bush because he is from a successful right to work state run by Republicans, so he doesn't seem to understand how far gone Connecticut really is. Democrats have so destroyed this state that there is no turning back and the only winning move left is to flee to one of the remaining free states of America--leaving behind a state populated with Democrats expecting to live free off of the state--but no one left behind to work or pay the taxes needed to fund the free ride of all these deadbeat loser Democrats.

Anonymous said...

My newspaper just had an extensive story about the Prescott Bush dinner and according to the article I just read, the only other award given besides Jeb Bush was to Linda McMahon.

There was not even a mention of this Stewart woman in the article.

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