Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mayor Stewart’s power point budget presentation for year 2015


With frankness and sincerity she pointed out that our credit card is carrying a 19 million dollar debit with the following year facing a 33 million dollar debt possibly causing a bond rating downgrade for the City of New Britain.

She proposed reducing 28 positions at city hall and additionally reduced two employees in her office which will be replaced with volunteers to help with the management of her office needs.    She also asked that the retirees to come and work for 19.5 hours per week for the purpose of helping to train their successors.
She also proposed raising the parking fees in our garages and increasing fines without indicating the amount to be charged.   With all her fine negotiations with all the unions to make her proposal viable we are still facing a tax increase of 4.88 mills as city taxpayers.   The Mayor did admitted she had to make the hard decisions without being concerned with her re-election possibilities but her main concern was what was best for the residents.
The mayor displayed her leadership capabilities throughout Her presentation. 
This matter will have a public hearing and will subsequently be sent to the common council for their input and approval for the upcoming annual budget.




Anonymous said...

No one will even miss 28 union slugs although they might have to adjust to sleeping at home instead of at their desks, but the rest of us won't likely notice they are even gone.

Anonymous said...

Erin Stewart just proposed raising taxes 4.8 mills? That's more than $600 on my house!!! I'm livid. Seriously, please frank, tell me that is a typo?!

Anonymous said...

The mayor is upping the parking violations from $10 t0 $30 per ticket which should have been done years ago because the cost of issuing these tickets more that exceeds the $10 cost to issue along for booking cost to record the fines.

Anonymous said...

We can only guess because not all towns have finalized their budgets, but the proposed 49 mill rate will most likely make New Britain the second highest taxes in the state, second only to Hartford with a mill rate of 74.29

Anonymous said...

Erin Stewart just proposed raising taxes 4.8 mills? That's more than $600 on my house!!! I'm livid. Seriously, please frank, tell me that is a typo?!

It is NOT a typo and if you want to be livid- Call Tim Obrien. He increased the city budget over
20M in 2 years. Be livid with the council members who voted for those budgets the past 2 years.

BUT don't be livid at the Mayor Erin Stewart. While a 4.8M increase is a lot and not what any of us want- it is necessary. In fact she actually CUT spending almost 9% in addition to the increase. That tells you just how bad the previous 2 budgets were.

last- I call on the 15 members of the common council to put the D's and R's next to their names aside and work to lower that 4.8mill increase. There is still some fat/ cost savings to be had.

Anonymous said...

Don't take it out on Erin, you are being forced to pay for 2 years of out of control spending by O'Brien and his minions on the council.

Where do you think all the money came from to pay for the $100,000 for a consultant to sell the public on a law that punished people for calling 9-1-1, a 30 something thousand dollar no bid contract for Pudlin's consulting firm for what we were told was work that was none of our business, or a $45,000 paid agitator position in the mayor's office?

They spent our money like drunken sailors because Democrats just love spending other people's money--especially to benefit their cronies--so now it is time to pay the piper. When you get your increased tax bill, you can thank O'Brien and each and every Democrat on the council for causing your taxes to go up so much to pay for their using your money to push their radical extremist agenda.

Anonymous said...

There is always more that can be cut, but government by definition never reduces simply grows and grows and grows as it takes more control over our lives every day.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it over $5 million in taxes the Democrats forgave to HRA because it is an organization that basically supports their liberal agenda?

The rest of you have to pony up to make up for that too!

Anonymous said...

Didn't O'Brien also hire a physician to work in the mayor's office with an agenda of bringing free health care to everyone? I remember reading something about that on your blog. Who pays for that?

Anonymous said...

Whenever politicians use their high office to push their own political agenda such as what we saw from these liberal extremists, the money they give away has to come from somewhere. In this case it is the minority of New Britain residents who still actually work and pay taxes that now have to pay for the socialist agenda of the previous radical liberal extremist administration that ran around spending money they didn't have to push their radical extremism.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect to happen after O'Brien screwed the City? Erin has no choice. She has more guts then any other Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Thank God that the voters woke up before it was too late. 2 more years of the O'Brien regime and New Britain would have been worse off than Detroit! When will these Democrats finally awaken from the slumbers and realize that communism is doomed to failure?

Anonymous said...

Must not be from a Democrat, because most Democrats are Godless communists so they would have to thank their Messiah Obama or their other Savior Dictator Dan.

Anonymous said...

Thank God that the voters woke up before it was too late. 2 more years of the O'Brien regime and New Britain would have been worse off than Detroit! When will these Democrats finally awaken from the slumbers and realize that communism is doomed to failure?

April 10, 2014 at 8:17 PM

Anonymous said...

Margaret Thatcher said it best when she said:

The problem with socialism is that sooner or later socialists run out of other people's money to spend.

That is exactly what has happened to the City as a result of New Britain socialists also known as Democrats.

Anonymous said...

The council's very own "box of rocks" was quoted as saying that every department is paying overtime at triple time. I would like to challenge him to share with us the names of these greedy union members that he says are getting paid triple time:

"Said Democratic Alderman Adam Platosz, “There is a lot of overtime in nearly every department and it’s not even funny. They do double and triple overtime. Sometimes, overtime is needed. But, someone has to watch the overtime.”"

Anonymous said...

When my town was facing budget problems, our Conservative Republican mayor did what she thought was the responsible thing and eliminated the free car for the mayor. By driving her own car, she decided to save the taxpayers that expense.

Anonymous said...

With dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of city employees running around on their free gas in their take home cars why shouldn't the mayor get the same benefit as all those underlings getting their free gas to take their families to the beach all summer long? I remember going to the casino on a Sunday not too long ago and being passed by one of our New Britain city vehicles going into the parking garage, only I had to park with the common folk while the city car went into the exclusive high roller reserved area.

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