Although elected as a Democrat Seantor Pat McCarran was in most part a conservative. He took a very strong anti-Communist stance and was a proponent of tighter restrictions on entry and admission to the United States to become a citizen.
McCarran must be spinning in his grave to know his seat is now occupied by one of the most radical communist members of the Senate as well as the fact that his former parry is not only now known as the communist party, but they also stand for opening the doors to illegal aliens freely entering the U.S. and for doling out so much hard earned taxpayer money to support illegal aliens who belong in prison just for being here.
I like the quote from Jimmy Carter about how communism is a good thing.
Although elected as a Democrat Seantor Pat McCarran was in most part a conservative. He took a very strong anti-Communist stance and was a proponent of tighter restrictions on entry and admission to the United States to become a citizen.
McCarran must be spinning in his grave to know his seat is now occupied by one of the most radical communist members of the Senate as well as the fact that his former parry is not only now known as the communist party, but they also stand for opening the doors to illegal aliens freely entering the U.S. and for doling out so much hard earned taxpayer money to support illegal aliens who belong in prison just for being here.
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