Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Common Council Democrats Passed the $10.10 per hour minimum wage a year ahead, making them appear as they are State Legislators.

Sadly Alderman Trueworhty and his minions just do not get it.   Even after the Mayor’s power point presentation on how tight our finances are they ignored her plea of tightening our financial belts and passed this harmful resolution which harms our high school and college students from obtaining summer work from the City’s Park and Recreation Department.

If a passed resolution deserves a Mayor’s veto this is the one that should first on her list in order to provide summer work for our youth.




Anonymous said...

The mayor still can veto this job killing measure if she wants to stand on principle.

Anonymous said...

Don't take it out on Erin, you are being forced to pay for 2 years of out of control spending by O'Brien and his minions on the council.

Where do you think all the money came from to pay for the $100,000 for a consultant to sell the public on a law that punished people for calling 9-1-1, a 30 something thousand dollar no bid contract for Pudlin's consulting firm for what we were told was work that was none of our business, or a $45,000 paid agitator position in the mayor's office?

They spent our money like drunken sailors because Democrats just love spending other people's money--especially to benefit their cronies--so now it is time to pay the piper. When you get your increased tax bill, you can thank O'Brien and each and every Democrat on the council for causing your taxes to go up so much to pay for their using your money to push their radical extremist agenda.

Anonymous said...

Trueworthy & the Dems don't get it. And I'm ashamed of Don!

Anonymous said...

Just another reason for employers to flee. You would think these Democrats would learned from the monument to their own stupidity--the 5 foot high weeds growing out of the parking lot at the former Walmart they drove out of town with their radical protests demanding that the managers be Puerto Ricans. Just the fact that the world's largest employer fled the city should tell you all you need to know about the anti-business environment created by these radical extremist Democrat libs.

Walmart employs 1.5 million employees worldwide and not one in New Britain thanks to little Mack's minions!

Anonymous said...

I guess the wicked witch of liberals is not liked by the Muslim community because the highest insult a Muslim can give you is to throw a shoe at you:

"A woman hurled a shoe at Hillary Clinton on Thursday as the former secretary of state was delivering a speech at a Las Vegas hotel."

Even Muslims are turning against these commies!

Anonymous said...

When you either lose your job, or can't get a job in New Britain, thank the council Democrats for driving jobs out of here:

Raising the Minimum Wage Hurts the Poor:

The first step in helping America's poor is to cut back on costly regulations that burden job creators.

The minimum wage is more likely to hurt the people it is supposed to help by making it harder for them to find jobs.

Minimum wage workers tend be young and unskilled. Less than half of workers under the age of 25 are currently employed and many rely on low paying opportunities to get their first break. The majority will earn a raise within a year, but they currently lack the experience and skill to compete for higher paying jobs. Raising the minimum wage makes it harder for these inexperienced workers to find a job, because businesses will either eliminate positions or choose to hire someone with more experience at the higher mandated wage. Minimum wage jobs could also be a pathway to retraining for workers facing a mismatch between their skills and available openings. A higher minimum wage would limit such opportunities, and that's particularly dangerous during this historically slow recovery

If policymakers really want to help the poor, they should seek to reduce the barriers to job creation, instead of adding to them by hiking minimum wage. Job creators are already tangled in a forest of red tape: over 170,000 pages of regulations from the federal government alone. Complying with these regulations is disproportionately burdensome for the small businesses that create the majority of new jobs.

The cost of regulation is not limited to business. Perversely, this burden falls disproportionately on low-income families through lower wages and higher prices to consumers.

(U.S. News Weekly, March 11, 2013)

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