Monday, May 19, 2014

Comments made to the members of the common council by Mr. Bill Ostapchuk on May 14th.

Honorable Mayor and Honorable Members of the Common Council

I wish to thank you for the long hours of hard work that you have put in addressing
the very serious economic issues facing our community. My expression of gratitude
goes to the members o
f the Board of Finance and Taxation who labored long and
conscientiously in reviewing information before submitting their recommended budget
proposal to the mayor.

Their labors were acknowledged by the mayor for it appears that in preparing her
proposed budget for 2015 she accepted many of the recommendations of the Board of Finance and Taxation without change.

I am surprised that with the severity of this economic crisis that there was not a more
equitable distribution of its costs to all departments
for the coming year. I do understand that the Board. of Finance and Taxation reviewed all requests submitted and made reductions.
However, preliminary review ofthe mayor's proposed budget suggests that the school
department, the fire department and the Office of Human Rights and Opportunities and the Bureau of Youth and Family Services bear a greater share of that cost.

The Board of Education request was $133,758,000 was as we all know reduced by the Board of Taxation and Financed and further reduced by the mayor. I am glad to see that the mayor, the Common Council and the Board of Education have formed a Blue Ribbon Committee to
work together to address the differences that exist
. With 624 properties for sale in our
community there is the opportunity to attract young families which is
important to our well- being.

The fire department's budget request for 15 .09 million was reduced by the Board of Finance and Taxation to $13.3 million and the mayor further reduced this request by 1.2 million in her proposed budget. What is surprising to me is that the mayor accepted the budget recommendations of the Board of Finance and Taxation as submitted with little or no change for many departments including Town Clerk, Treasurer's Office, Finance Department, public library, youth museum and the senior center. The proposed reduction in the fire department budget will have serious repercussions.

Please do not misrepresent what I have said. I am surprised that there was not a more equitable distribution of cuts in the budget.

I was very surprised in the mayor's proposal that she eliminates all line items in her budget for the city's Office of Human Rights and Opportunities.

It also eliminates all line items for the Bureau of Youth and Family Services
except salaries which have been reduced in the mayor's budget proposal from $234, 528 to $80,321. Cutting back the budget virtually eliminates this Bureau and its ability to leverage money. At present 48 percent of its budget is funded through local tax dollars while 52 percent comes from grant sources. I would suggest that in times of financial crisis, the Bureau of
Youth and Family Services provides an example for others and that you would want bureau's and departments to leverage tax dollars to obtain other funding and to
work collaboratively with other departments and agencies within the city.


Frank Smith said...

The New Britain leadership must not ignore Mr. Ostapchuk remarks

Anonymous said...

I agree with Frank's comment.

Lou Salvio, Alderman said...

Our Mayor must be very careful when crafting a budget for the entire city; some departments are never satisfied because nobody wants their budgets touched. Most budgets submitted to the BOFT ( Board of Finance and Taxation) are padded because the departments expect cuts.

When the Mayor receives the recommendations of the BOFT , those recs. cannot include policy considerations, only dollar amounts. State contributions to the City are not received until mush later. So the Mayor must deal with the information available. In NB the Mayor nhas approx. two weeks to craft a budget before delivering it to the Council . After a Public Hearing, The Council then has 60 days to make any changes it deems necessary. The Mayor may accept the Council's recs. or veto .. If there is a veto and if the Council has the necessary votes , 2/3, the veto can be overridden.

Mr. Ostapchuk is well within his right to call the Mayor's cuts inequitable but he is delusional to believe that any cuts made in a city budget can ever be considered by all involved, EQUITABLE.

I stated the same at the 5/14/14 meeting of the Common Council.

Anonymous said...

The Courant has a story about legislative "goofs" and I thought for sure one of those goofs they are reporting on would have to be our own left wing extremist looney tunes of a Senator?

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